Friday 10 February 2012

                                           WE ARE EXPECTING OUR 6TH CHILD
   I find it very difficult to comprehend when i see a pregnant lady who can barely feed herself carrying other kids with her while jumping off and on public transport.
   Now I must make it clear that children are the joy of every marriage but then again, timing is vital. if you are not financially buoyant, i suggest that the number of times the woman conceives should be checked. birth control methods are inexpensive yet some people make seem so.
    It is paradoxical that the wealthy people who can cater for many kids have few, while the poor who can cater for few, have many. If you can afford to take good care of them, go ahead. but please remember, you don't own this kids. you are only a caretaker to whom they are entrusted by God.
    I personally believe that no kid deserves to suffer on entering the world. while it is okay to project that money will come later, it s unwise to bank on this children to rescue you from poverty in the future. i was told that is the reason some couples have them aplenty.  most times, these kids either experience infant mortality due to so many factors or they get poor education which sometimes lead them to the streets in their quest for survival in our ever competitive world.
    My friend said after the third child, his parents agreed to remove his mum's fallopian tube surgically. while I am yet to confirm the risk nature involved in that expensive process, I am pretty sure there are far cheaper ways to say ''ENOUGH THIS PIKIN DONE DO''    

1 comment:

  1. True, true.....the prevalence of little children who do not have a "now".....all they have is hope for the future is largely our fault. Those in authorities and even we as individuals must make it a point of duty to enlighten the "culprits" that their redemption from the circle of poverty will not come by "producing babies in mass quantities" but by ensuring quality in the few that they have"
    Nice one, Obi-dickson!!!!!
