Thursday 9 February 2012

                     THE PARENT WHO CAME SECOND
       Every  tom, dick and harry must have heard his parent(s) say things like ‘’junior, when I was in school, I came first in this subject or the other’’ or you hear ‘’When I was your age, I never offended anyone’’. Ah, so we still have perfect people in this world? I reasoned in my subconscious. But every sane person knows that is not true.
        How come every parent tends to blow his or her own trumpet; even to the extent of lie telling? I am 20 and have never fathered a child so maybe I don’t know the requirements of child raising. I plead guilty. But I do know with all surety that example is the best teacher not exaggeration. How could every parent had come first or be of good behaviour? Then obviously they were all very good. What a Poor script!!!
    The million dollar question therefore is, if parents are as good as they claim, how come we still have cases of fraud in banks, corrupt policemen and government officials  who embezzle public fund like no man’s business? The culprits in the scenarios painted above are all parents who will still go home and ‘brag’ about how good they were as kids even though their adult life is not reflecting such claims.
    I know some people will let their mouth react before their mind, which will lead to abuses being rained on me. But not to worry, I have such people in my thoughts. Perhaps, your lie telling helps in bringing out the best in your kids, thumbs up! But if that is not the case in yours and you desire a change in your child’s behavior, I guess you should change your own behavior because kids learn best by what they see and not what you say. Some couples fight right before their kids yet, when they want to scold the same kids, they claim to be very well behaved in their childhood.  It does not work that way. In life, sometimes, the best way up is out.
 I am pretty sure I am not going to interpret that same script written by parenthood since time immemorial. I am an optimistic realist; I don’t fantasize. It is not necessary. I will try to bring my kids up in the way of the lord which does not include lie telling.
There seems to be a similarity between the cure of aids and the parent who came second. Both are still at large.
Obi-Dickson  Daniel

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